
記事を閉じる lennlanc  投稿者: lennlanc     No.16457

Additionally, it has an application icon in the systray, receives a reminder notification on closing, starts minimized, and has a simple and elegant appearance with an option to change its appearance from a standalone app to a tool popup.
Pros: Very simple to operate; thorough options for customization; Can handle multiple reminders; Windows startup and systray integration.
Cons: None.

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記事を閉じる halegerm  投稿者: halegerm     No.16456

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記事を閉じる halegerm  投稿者: halegerm     No.16455

Currently this project is centered around porting code from the internal GUI tool to the CLI project so you don't have a GUI.
The project is written entirely in python with wxPython lib

NONE at the moment

This project is currently in a state of being developed and maintained by me.

NONE at the moment

Current Status

NONE at the moment


NONE at the moment


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This way you'll have a better picture.
(no code... just parameters and nice pictures)
procedure TForm1.btn_StartMonitorClick(Sender: TObject);
var oPattern: TPattern;
oMonitor: TPatternMonitor;
oScan: Integer;
oPattern := nil;
oMonitor := TPatternMonitor.Create(0);

oScan := https://ohreally.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/urasaf.pdf
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記事を閉じる maemari  投稿者: maemari     No.16448

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You can also gain instant access to each VST's parameters and examine them without closing the window. You can even arrange that effect groups by clicking on the window's right edge.
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